Last Updated: 2012/10/26


Soulancipation Ventures, LLC™ has the full intention to be in compliance with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rules regarding advertising and marketing.

Products & Services

We sell products, services, trainings, workshops, and seminars related to personal growth. Most of these products are produced and sold directly by Soulancipation Ventures, LLC™ and are available through our on-line store. Usually, it will be self-evident that we are selling our own product; however, if you have any questions about this, please contact us at


Some links to products and services on this web site or any web-site owned and/or operated by Soulancipation Ventures, LLC™ may generate affiliate commissions. These links are not produced or owned by us, and this will be evident by the fact that the links will take you to pages outside of our websites. If you have a question about whether we have a material connection with any product or service that we describe, recommend, or provide hyperlinks for, please contact us at

Endorsements That We Provide

We may from time to time endorse offerings from companies whose products are commensurate with the kinds of products we offer ourselves. We generally do not get paid for these endorsements; however, if we do get paid for any endorsement, that information will be clearly displayed in the endorsement itself.

Testimonials & Endorsements That We Receive

We post testimonials and endorsements from people who have purchased our products, services, trainings, workshops, and seminars; these testimonials and endorsements may appear in text, video, or audio format. We never pay for these testimonials or endorsements; they are voluntarily offered and we decide at our sole discretion whether or not to post them.